Enterprise OPEX Enablement

Enterprise OPEX Enablement

Establishing a process-driven organisation and driving cultural change around process management is a journey – one that needs to be supported with a comprehensive process excellence program.

Enterprise OPEX Enablement Service Overview

Our Process Excellence (PEX) Program Enablement service is a proven methodology designed to:

  • Ensure alignment of key stakeholders
  • Facilitate cultural change within organisation
  • Establish standardised methods, tools and approaches across a company
  • Build dedicated process excellence teams
  • Enhance skill sets of key process improvement personnel by training them on business process improvement (BPI) methods

With a properly structured PEX program, our clients are trained and equipped to drive process improvement initiatives and establish a process excellence culture at the enterprise level.

Process Excellence Capability Assessment

Achieving process excellence is not easy and not a singular event. It’s a journey. It may take months or even years, depending on your current level of process focus and process maturity.

  • Understand your current PEX capabilities.
  • Find out how you stack up with other organisations in your industry.
  • Discover the steps to take to address the gaps between where you are and where you want to be.
  • Learn how you can build a strong foundation for growth.
  • Receive a customised report with the steps you can take to drive sustainable business performance.